BEST OF BRITISH: Jaguar e-type, 1961

PARIS V'S NEW YORK: Visual details, cliches and contradictions


... the reclusive Huguette Clark's jewel hoard

HIGH STANDING: Christian Louboutin's 20th anniversary

CHRISTIAN LACROIX: Designer's Source material goes on show

EPOCHALYPSE NOW: Francis Ford Coppola's 19th-century palazzo

DIAMOND DETECTIVES: Hong Kong's The Heart Stealer (1958)

YVES SAINT LAURENT: Never say never in Denver

THOMAS HEATHERWICK: Obscure objects of desire and design
Editor's choice
Credits & Copyrights
Jaguar e-type, 1961: Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Paris v's New York: 2012 © Vahram Muratyan. The Last American Heiress: ©Christie's 2012. Epochalypse Now: ©2011 The Coppola Companies. Diamond Detectives: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong. Yves Saint Laurent: ©Fondation Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent, Paris . Thomas Heatherwick: Victoria and Albert Museum, London.